GREAT CITIES ARE BUILT KEEPING TAXPAYERS IN MIND. Taxpayers in India need to wake up!!! How many times in a day do you encounter bad roads, power cuts, poor quality water or the lack of it, unresponsive police stations, lack of fire stations close by, poor public transport and the list can go on for miles. Why do we vote politicians into office??? (Or do the taxpayers really???) In India today there are three kinds of people: 1. The Invincibles: The Super rich or the top 0.01% who lobby to create laws to suit them and they are invincible. Their games are both local and global and what drives them is sheer passion of numbers of net-worth and their ratings on the Forbes list. Most of our economy is controlled by these giants and its true for any country. For these people, infrastructure of any kind is a great marketing tool to grow their companies. (Imagine…the top 100 global companies control 4...